
Tag Archives: Programming

Redirecting Standard Handles – C#
Console applications are fairly common for handling simple, routine tasks; sometimes the task is straightforward and otherwise runs on it’s own with [...]
When you don’t bother to find the problem, you won’t find the right solution
This post is inspired mostly by an interesting post that was posted to the Computer Hope Forum. To summarise, this individual is looking to effectively [...]
Anything can be the norm
It is an interesting phenomena to consider, our human ability to turn that which we find extraordinary into something mundane, or even undesirable through [...]
Software Development: What makes it fun?
This is a topic that I find recurring between myself and my non-programmer friends, as well as people providing freedback on some of the Open-Source [...]
Drawing Themed Progress Bars manually
Within my Updating component, Each Element is given a little Progress Bar right within the ListView. It’s drawn using a Gradient background. [...]
Programming Languages and Subjectivity
Discussions about programming and programming languages are frequent. They can get heated. One interesting notion is the notion of language [...]
Zebra-Striping your Windows Forms ListView
“Zebra-Striping” is the name for a common technique for reports or long lists of items where each row is given a colour distinct from those [...]
DeletionHelper: Queue Files for deletion when your app exits.
Sometimes you need to create temporary files. Usually, you can discard those temporary files by opening them in a fashion so they are deleted when they are [...]
History of Development: Visual Basic 2.0
With the runaway success of Visual Basic 1.0, it made sense for future versions to be released improving incrementally on the existing version. Such was [...]
XNA Game Studio 4.0 and VS 2012
XNA Game Studio is a finicky bugger, and it’s even more finicky now that it is no longer being maintained. One of the biggest issues is that it [...]