
Tag Archives: Programming

Is XNA going away?
Is XNA Going Away? The following consists of my opinion and does not constitute the passing on of an official statement from Microsoft. All thoughts and [...]
Programming Language Performance Part XIII: Haskell
Haskell is one of those languages that, to paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield, can’t get any respect. I mean, sure, it get’s a lot of use in [...]
Per Pixel Alpha on VB.NET Forms
Note: This Post has been (partly) superceded by the implementation described in the more recent Alpha blended forms revisited Post. One common problem that [...]
BASeBlock:Visual Studio 2010 to 2012
Though I do tend to try to write my samples and test applications, as well as any new programs, using Visual Studio 2012, I haven’t yet migrated most [...]
Anagrams Part X: PHP Performance
Somehow while creating the various anagram implementations for the previous entries in this series, I neglected to create one for PHP. This was primarily [...]
Programming Language Performance Redux
This is not another entry into the series regarding anagrams, but a much simpler synopsis using a very basic algorithm. The performance of programming [...]
new Project: BCQuery
I was working on BASeBlock’s splash screen a bit, and thought it would be neat to have a little animation to expand and contract the list of loaded [...]
You’re never as awesome as you think you are
Many developers and programmers may describe their experience with a language or technology as them having “mastered” it. But is this really [...]
Developer Interview Questions
One of the trickiest parts I imagine with hiring a new developer is figuring it out several things about them. One thing you need to figure out is wether [...]
Byte-Size formatter for your Byte-Size Needs
Formatting Data Sizes When we present file-based data to a user, it is often unavoidable to show those byte sizes to the user. While you could get away [...]