
Tag Archives: C#

Byte-Size formatter for your Byte-Size Needs
Formatting Data Sizes When we present file-based data to a user, it is often unavoidable to show those byte sizes to the user. While you could get away [...]
System.Threading.ThreadLocal equivalent for .NET 2.0 and 3.5
One of the big reasons I’ve found myself preferring C# Over Java is that C# is about a million times easier to refactor. By this, I mean that often [...]
the MS Web Stack
As many web developers are aware, there are a myriad of ways to develop websites and interactive web applications today. On the server side, one typically [...]
More stuff about Java
Recently I started working on what turned out to be a lot bigger of a project than original intended. It is a Bukkit Plugin; Bukkit being a server [...]
Programming Language Performance Part III: C#
In order to compare various languages, I will be implementing a anagram search program in a variety of languages and testing and analyzing the resulting [...]
Programming Language Performance Part I: Overview
Much like my previous posts on the subject of programming language polarization, this one comes as a response to what I feel are flawed perspectives on [...]
In-Memory Obfuscation for your data
Gamers are an enterprisey bunch. You don’t give them enough X, so they go prodding around your game’s memory to try to give themselves more. [...]
Programming Fundamentals: Pointers
What is a Pointer? To understand a pointer, one must better understand variables. In a statically typed language such as C, a variable has three [...]
I’m a C# Microsoft MVP for 2012
I don’t know how but somehow I’ve been awarded the Microsoft MVP award for my contributions to C# technical communities (C# MVP). Of course I [...]
BASeBlock and Polygon Blocks
That’s right. The latest version of BASeBlock now adds a working Polygon block. There was a lot of reengineering to be done, but it works [...]