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C# 2.0 Features
C# 1.0 was something of a first-pass as a language design. It received refinements and improvements, and started to create it’s own unique identity with [...]
SkiaSharp Adventures
For some time now, I’ve occasionally created a relatively simple game and typically I’m not bothered to get into fancy “game engines” or using special [...]
The failures of Windows 10 “Dark Mode”
“Dark Mode” settings have started to be a big ticket concern for the last few years. Applications and Apps have started to add “Dark Mode” Visuals as an [...]
Taking Control of Windows 10 with Image File Execution Options
There are a lot of components of Windows 10 that we, as users, are not “allowed” to modify. It isn’t even enough when we find a way to do so, such as by [...]
"DVD Drives are unnecessary in modern PCs"
Over the last few years it’s become apparent, of course, that many people building and using PCs are using physical media less and less. One thing I have [...]
No Software is Hamster-proof
Alternate Title: Software Licenses and implicit trust It is interesting to note that in many circles proprietary software is inherently considered [...]
Why did the Microsoft Engineer Tweet about an Open Web? Because they are now on the other side.
Recently, a Microsoft engineer had this to say with regards to Mozilla and Firefox: Thought: It’s time for @mozilla to get down from their [...]
The self-perpetuating monoculture of Software Development
There has been a lot of recent noise regarding the demographic makeup of typical software developers and people working in CS. There is a lot of “pushback” [...]
Video Game Randomizers
“Rogue-like” Games have existed for quite a while. Effectively, these titles have some form of permadeath or perhaps a heavy penalty when your character [...]
How HDD Manufacturer’s Shaped the Metric System
Nowadays, we’ve got two official ways of measuring memory and storage. They can be measured via standard Metric Prefixes, such as Megabytes (MB) or [...]