C# 1.0 was something of a first-pass as a language design. It received refinements and improvements, and started to create it’s own unique identity with [...]
For some time now, I’ve occasionally created a relatively simple game and typically I’m not bothered to get into fancy “game engines” or using special [...]
“Dark Mode” settings have started to be a big ticket concern for the last few years. Applications and Apps have started to add “Dark Mode” Visuals as an [...]
There are a lot of components of Windows 10 that we, as users, are not “allowed” to modify. It isn’t even enough when we find a way to do so, such as by [...]
Over the last few years it’s become apparent, of course, that many people building and using PCs are using physical media less and less. One thing I have [...]
Alternate Title: Software Licenses and implicit trust It is interesting to note that in many circles proprietary software is inherently considered [...]
There has been a lot of recent noise regarding the demographic makeup of typical software developers and people working in CS. There is a lot of “pushback” [...]
“Rogue-like” Games have existed for quite a while. Effectively, these titles have some form of permadeath or perhaps a heavy penalty when your character [...]
Nowadays, we’ve got two official ways of measuring memory and storage. They can be measured via standard Metric Prefixes, such as Megabytes (MB) or [...]