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Redirecting Standard Handles – C#
Console applications are fairly common for handling simple, routine tasks; sometimes the task is straightforward and otherwise runs on it’s own with [...]
Watching the Run Dialog Grow up
The Run dialog is an unassuming little dialog. It has stuck around through thick and thin. It was there for the best of times, and it was there for the [...]
The Myth of Windows Rot
Some would call it “common knowledge”. “Windows Rot” is claimed to be the tendency of a Windows install to “decay” over [...]
Windows 10
I had a chance to give Windows 10 a try Wednesday morning. It is very much- at least in terms of what we can see- similar to Windows 8. Some of the big [...]
Mojang & Microsoft Rumours
I noticed I’ve been a bit quiet with posts lately. I was very busy during most of September but I’ve got some code-intensive stuff I’m [...]
When you don’t bother to find the problem, you won’t find the right solution
This post is inspired mostly by an interesting post that was posted to the Computer Hope Forum. To summarise, this individual is looking to effectively [...]
“Recoder”- the Windows Version
In a Previous Post I provided a music transcoder program, which I called Recoder for no particularly good reason. This program was designed to simply take [...]
Anything can be the norm
It is an interesting phenomena to consider, our human ability to turn that which we find extraordinary into something mundane, or even undesirable through [...]
The amazing tenacity of XP Users
Probably a short one today. There are still a large number of people who are still, somehow, convinced that XP is the best Windows Version ever released in [...]
Bulk Music Re-encoding, FLAC to MP3
Recently I got a new MP3 Player, a Sony Walkman NWZ-385. Most people have effectively replaced the MP3 Player with a Smartphone, since smartphones also [...]