Console applications are fairly common for handling simple, routine tasks; sometimes the task is straightforward and otherwise runs on it’s own with [...]
The Run dialog is an unassuming little dialog. It has stuck around through thick and thin. It was there for the best of times, and it was there for the [...]
I had a chance to give Windows 10 a try Wednesday morning. It is very much- at least in terms of what we can see- similar to Windows 8. Some of the big [...]
This post is inspired mostly by an interesting post that was posted to the Computer Hope Forum. To summarise, this individual is looking to effectively [...]
In a Previous Post I provided a music transcoder program, which I called Recoder for no particularly good reason. This program was designed to simply take [...]
It is an interesting phenomena to consider, our human ability to turn that which we find extraordinary into something mundane, or even undesirable through [...]
Probably a short one today. There are still a large number of people who are still, somehow, convinced that XP is the best Windows Version ever released in [...]
Recently I got a new MP3 Player, a Sony Walkman NWZ-385. Most people have effectively replaced the MP3 Player with a Smartphone, since smartphones also [...]