

My Take on running FreeBSD on Non x86/x64 systems
I don’t have one. It’s impossible to form a opinion on a set of hardware and software that I’ve never used and have no intention on [...]
This is the type of thing that is wrong with today’s youth:   youtube   Anyway, the story here is this fellow commented on one of my videos [...]
UI design down the crapper: part 2
Following the posting of my previous entry, I tried Firefox 4. It was then that I realized another huge problem with the latest browser versions, or, more [...]
User Interface consistency; or lack thereof
Starting with the recent release of Internet Explorer 9, I’ve noticed a disturbing trend about the latest generation of Applications that run on [...]
RAID is not a backup solution
Recently I had a rather short discussion (more conversational then anything) about RAID. Yes you know who you are. And I am talking about that skype [...]
BASeBlock LevelSet Editor
despite my original misgivings that creating a Level Editor for BASeBlock would be impossible, I somehow managed to do it, and it was both easier to write [...]
With Success comes emulation, and this holds true in the software industry at least as strong as in any other. Recently I plugged a relatively recent game [...]
Minecraft madness
Unless you’ve been living in a cave for the past year, or are a hermetic monk seeking spiritual enlightenment, you no doubt have had least heard [...]
Creationism & Evolution
It’s impossible to not have heard about the great “debate” about Evolution and Creationism; particularly in the United states, where [...]
Game Cheats
Before I discuss game cheats, it’s important to know what the word “cheat” means; generally, it is used to refer to the act of swindling [...]