

Anti-Virus Programs
Important Note: In a system management setting, Or a corporation, this is NOT something I prescribe. managing and dealing with a PC that only you would use [...]
Programming Fundamentals: Pointers
What is a Pointer? To understand a pointer, one must better understand variables. In a statically typed language such as C, a variable has three [...]
I’m a C# Microsoft MVP for 2012
I don’t know how but somehow I’ve been awarded the Microsoft MVP award for my contributions to C# technical communities (C# MVP). Of course I [...]
VB6 Reflections
BCSearch, one of the larger applications I’ve made available, was written in Visual Basic 6. I use it quite frequently myself, but it has a few [...]
Posts in the works
One might have noticed I’ve been posting “filler” content for the last while, at least to some degree. However I have some real whoppers [...]
The Random Files: facial hair
So I recently got thinking about why the heck we men get facial hair. I mean, what purpose does it serve? if I let my beard and moustache grow, it would [...]
BASeBlock and Polygon Blocks
That’s right. The latest version of BASeBlock now adds a working Polygon block. There was a lot of reengineering to be done, but it works [...]
ComputerHope Wallpaper
I made a new wallpaper. This one is simpler than some of my others, but I think that suits it well. The tricky part was the logo. All I could find were the [...]
VS2010, XNA, and BCDodgerX potpourri
Call me old fashioned, or possibly slow, but for some reason I never seem to be using the latest version of a piece of software. Until recently I was doing [...]
When Administrator is just not enough
First, a warning: WARNING:Running programs under the LocalSystem account is dangerous! Only run programs that are built into the OS, and programs you [...]