
Posts in the works

July 1, 2012 - Programming

One might have noticed I’ve been posting “filler” content for the last while, at least to some degree.

However I have some real whoppers on the way. One is a rather large, and in-depth comparison of Visual Basic 6 to more modern languages, and how far we’ve come development wise. This is because I still see a few people trying to cling to the old Visual Basic, which is pretty silly. Another topic I wanted to properly explore was the Windows Forms PropertyGrid control, particularly dealing with UITypeEditor and properly implementing custom Editors using it as well as ValueConverter’s. I will probably explore the WPFPropertyGrid available on codeplex as well, but I suspect that works a bit differently (aside from the obvious difference of being in WPF rather than Windows Forms).

Quite a few others as well. Long posts tend to simply be text files on my HD until I decide to post them (as opposed to, say, drafts). And proper fact-checking and making sure the code looks right (I have to replace any < and > marks with the HTML entities (major annoyance).

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