

Visual Studio-Style Splash Screen in Windows Forms
Splash Screens have been a staple of Applications for decades now. Effectively they came about because as applications got larger and got longer startup [...]
MSBuild And Java
Recently I had the opportunity to create an automated Build script for all our software. Being that “all our software” was over 50 applications [...]
Game Development
The “Video game” industry is interesting. It’s consumer base is often fickle, frugal, and judgmental. Often, reading about it- I’m [...]
The ubiquitious feeling of being lazy
After working on, well, work stuff, for a day or at the end of the week, I like to try to relax. Perhaps I will play a game, or watch youtube videos or [...]
ClipSlapper- A Command-line clipboard utility
A bit of a shorty today- Basically, I’ve uploaded “ClipSlapper” a new utility program, designed to run on the command-line, which can [...]
Recoder is now on Github
I’ve been a bit disappointed with my “Free time” projects for a while. I’d really like to put more time into them but I can’t [...]
Full-Screen Resolution Fix
For some time I have had an interesting issue whereby attempting to run a game title in full-screen would result in the title only displaying the upper [...]
Retro Code
Recently, I took to wandering about in some of my decades-old projects. It is interesting to see the things I was passionate about then be considered so [...]
XML Serialization Continued: Arrays
I’ve finally managed to get my XML serialization library to a point where I’ve been able to start implementing it within another program. My [...]
C# and VB.NET: Field initialization differences
I found this to be an interesting discovery. I always somewhat expected each .NET language to work in a similar way with regards to things such as field [...]