

Folder Monitor for the Notification Area
Recently I decided to collate minor annoyances or things that I felt annoyed me or disturbed my workflow, or things that could be helpful. The purpose was [...]
Debug Logs- a C# approach
Somehow I’ve managed to never write about my Debug log class, looking through my post history. It’s a versatile Debug Logging class that [...]
File Zipping in .NET
We have had a lot of different options for creating Zip Files in .NET Applications for some time. .NET 4.5 has added built-in framework-based support for [...]
Continuous Integration (mis)adventures
For the last while I’ve been trying to setup an automated build script + CI server for our software. Because of how the repository is laid out as [...]
XML Serialization Continued: Arrays
I’ve finally managed to get my XML serialization library to a point where I’ve been able to start implementing it within another program. My [...]
C# and VB.NET: Field initialization differences
I found this to be an interesting discovery. I always somewhat expected each .NET language to work in a similar way with regards to things such as field [...]
An XML Serialization Alternative
I’ve rambled about XML Serialization for a while, in particular, the fact that the built-in Serialization provided with .NET is problematic to use as [...]
More on XML Serialization
It seems like each post I do has something to do with XML Serialization lately. And for good reason. The Binary Serialization currently used by BASeBlock [...]
Redirecting Standard Handles – C#
Console applications are fairly common for handling simple, routine tasks; sometimes the task is straightforward and otherwise runs on it’s own with [...]
Anything can be the norm
It is an interesting phenomena to consider, our human ability to turn that which we find extraordinary into something mundane, or even undesirable through [...]