
Monthly Archives: January 2012

What is the best Programming language for beginners?
I see this question semi-frequently on forums. It’s a reasonable question on the surface. However, the fact is that there is no “Best language [...]
Why I use INI Files, and a FormPositionSaver class
In some of my recent posts, I’ve covered the topic of accessing and parsing an INI file for configuration data in a C# Application. Some may wonder [...]
the illusion of Market Share and software
When speaking of browsers, Operating Systems, or various other pieces of technology, people will often speak of “market share”. I’ve [...]
Dealing with Death, or, why I’m not as emotionally strong as I thought I was
While I typically write about either computers, or nonsense crap here, It’s a personal blog and therefore I feel compelled to write about a recent [...]
A dynamic New Year’s Post
HAHA! How’s that for a clever title? Oh… well… ahem… nevermind. As a avid user of my own INIFile class, which I first write about- [...]