BASeTris is a Tetris Clone I developed because I liked the idea of mixing together different tetris visuals and sounds while getting a more modern Tetris experience. I mostly created it because I wanted a “no-nonsense” Tetris title for my own personal use- no “online leaderboards” No storyline- just Tetris. It evolved from there. It’s still rather incomplete. This is the first project which I’ve integrated into a new CI Server- the download should always point at the latest version built by my CI Server.
Note: Keyboard controls are arrow keys (up is drop) and the Z and X keys for rotation. Space for Hold, and the Pause/Break key is Pause.
A Gamepad can also be used. D-pad works the same as the arrow keys, and A and X Rotate. R Bumper is Hold.
Source code can be found On github.