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Drawing Themed Progress Bars manually
Within my Updating component, Each Element is given a little Progress Bar right within the ListView. It’s drawn using a Gradient background. [...]
SteamOS: “That’s a nice Iceberg, let’s crash into it”
Recently, Valve announced their upcoming ‘product’- a Free Operating System called SteamOS. Steam OS is the culmination of a year or so of [...]
Mixing Languages in Real-World Applications
The observant may notice that there have been a rather significant drop in my post frequency over the last month or so. This is because I’ve managed [...]
In the News:Studies
Recently, a group of scientists have boggled the scientific community after releasing the results of their study which shows that being closer to an object [...]
A tidbit on GriefPrevention
I believe I’ve mentioned in posts here on the blog as well as news entries on my main landing site ( itself) regarding my [...]
VPN, Bridged connections and network type confusion
Having recently started a new Job, my responsibilities entail the necessity of using a Workplace VPN connection on occasion. My current connection setup is [...]
Command Line Parameters: A Java Approach
Parameters and Arguments passed on the command line are something that we simply cannot seem to get rid of. Even with today’s UI-Centric Operating [...]
Programming Languages and Subjectivity
Discussions about programming and programming languages are frequent. They can get heated. One interesting notion is the notion of language [...]
WinPatrol Overview
Winpatrol is an application that is suspiciously similar in it’s claims to most illegitimate offerings (such as Registry Cleaners) I installed it on [...]
DriverAgent and RegistryWizard
DriverAgent and RegistryWizard DriverAgent and RegistryWizard are products provided by eSupport. They make a number of rather strong claims as to what [...]