I recently ordered a new laptop. My previous laptop, a Satellite L300, was a fairly good system when I bought it, though at that time it was an excellent [...]
As it turns out, the Asynchronous File Iterator I wrote about way back in June 2013 has something of an issue. The big one being that it actually [...]
I recently discovered, via reddit, a link to another programming-oriented blog. There, the Blogger indicates that they have created 5 problems, and, if [...]
One of the things I find myself doing occasionally is looking at my old code. When you have over a decade of source code and projects that you’ve [...]
One of the things that I often see stated is that wireless internet connection will always be inferior to a wired connection. It seems rather intuitive. [...]
After my recent minor troubles with web hosting and domain name weirdness,I decided to look into possible ways to branch out, or improve the site. While [...]
A small hiccup- www.bc-programming currently goes nowhere, for what reason, I do not know; and my site was forcibly added to cloudflare, which broke the [...]
BASeBlock was one of my first projects that I wrote in C#. I wrote a program that sort of worked like HijackThis and a INI file reader class- which I [...]