

Operating System for “Programming”
Over the last few years – more than a decade, really – it seems that, somehow, *nix- and Linux in particular, has been tagged as being some [...]
C# 2.0 Features
C# 1.0 was something of a first-pass as a language design. It received refinements and improvements, and started to create it’s own unique identity with [...]
SkiaSharp Adventures
For some time now, I’ve occasionally created a relatively simple game and typically I’m not bothered to get into fancy “game engines” or using special [...]
Taking Control of Windows 10 with Image File Execution Options
There are a lot of components of Windows 10 that we, as users, are not “allowed” to modify. It isn’t even enough when we find a way to do so, such as by [...]
Programming Languages (2)
I have a feeling this will be a topic I will cover at length repeatedly, and each time I will have learned things since my previous installments. The [...]
A Wrapper for… The XInput Wrapper (?)
When I was implementing BASeTris, my Tetris Clone, I thought it would be nifty to have Controller support, so I could use my XBox One Controller that I [...]
About Time I had a CI Server, Methinks
It suddenly occurred to me in the last week that I don’t really have a proper system in place for not only software downloads here on my website but [...]
List Selection Formatting
The code for this post can be found in this github project. Occasionally you may present an interface which allows the user to select a subset of specific [...]
A UWP Discussion
Windows 10 introduced a new software development platform- the Universal Windows Platform, or UWP. In some respects it builds upon the earlier Windows [...]
Anagram Search Program Part XVI: QuickBASIC
QuickBASIC is an out of place choice when compared to most other languages that I’ve written in this series. Why would I jump so far backwards to [...]