

A dynamic New Year’s Post
HAHA! How’s that for a clever title? Oh… well… ahem… nevermind. As a avid user of my own INIFile class, which I first write about- [...]
An Extension to the GenericListViewSorter class
As I posted previously here, Sorting a Listview can be something of a pain in the butt. In that article, I covered some basics on providing a class that [...]
Coalescing Date Ranges
Or, at least that’s what I am calling it. The .NET framework provides quite a rich set of data structures for dealing with Dates. You’ve got [...]
The Windows ListView: Sorting
Anybody who has used windows is probably familiar with the ListView control. It is used in Windows Explorer; it is even used for the desktop. Heck, the [...]
USB Notification Sounds
Most Computer users are familiar with the Sounds that Windows emits when you plug and unplug a USB thumb drive. It’s a useful form of auditory [...]
Python- Counting Code Lines
It’s a relatively trivial task, really easy to do with the command prompt and GNU wc: [crayon-67ccfdb32bb99726058162/] I executed this within the [...]
BASeBlock, Scripts, and SerializationBinders
So, as mentioned in the previous post, I added a “sort” of scriptability to BASeBlock. I made some tweaks, and refactored the code so it was a [...]
BASeBlock & Dynamically loaded Assemblies
When I first started developing BASeBlock, the basic idea was just to get a feel for how Animation, rendering, and other concepts were dealt with in C#, as [...]
Update: adverts
Well, I removed the Bidvertiser ads. They were everywhere and all over the page and extremely annoying. And I got zilch. Definitely feel taken advantage [...]
An experiment.
Testing out ads. Trying to make this site something that doesn’t need to be supported/hosted/paid for out of pocket. Feel like a total douche, but [...]