

Hard Disk Troubles
Hard disks always die eventually. But for me it has always been a problem for other people. My Hard drives never die- or rather, I would prefer not to [...]
Programming Language Performance: Part XIV: D
The D Programming language is designed as a extension of C and C++ into the domain of a higher-level programming language. It is not 100% Source compatible [...]
Messing Around with different themes
Just a heads-up: I’m looking to possibly replace the theme. I love Inanis glass but I’m looking for something more lightweight to speed up page [...]
Review:Axialis IconWorkshop
Does anybody else remember that Visual Basic sample program for editing icons? IconEdit, I believe it was called? Because, well… I don’t. All I [...]
Is XNA going away?
Is XNA Going Away? The following consists of my opinion and does not constitute the passing on of an official statement from Microsoft. All thoughts and [...]
Kicking the ItemBucket
Randomization is something that is pretty much a staple in games. But the tricky part is randomizing in an expected way. Some kinds of randomization, you [...]
Programming Language Performance Part XIII: Haskell
Haskell is one of those languages that, to paraphrase Rodney Dangerfield, can’t get any respect. I mean, sure, it get’s a lot of use in [...]
Language Performance Part XII: C++
  Though I didn’t plan on it, somehow I got around to actually implementing the C++ variant of the anagrams program I have been re-implementing [...]
Per Pixel Alpha on VB.NET Forms
Note: This Post has been (partly) superceded by the implementation described in the more recent Alpha blended forms revisited Post. One common problem that [...]
BASeBlock:Visual Studio 2010 to 2012
Though I do tend to try to write my samples and test applications, as well as any new programs, using Visual Studio 2012, I haven’t yet migrated most [...]