I found this to be an interesting discovery. I always somewhat expected each .NET language to work in a similar way with regards to things such as field [...]
I’ve rambled about XML Serialization for a while, in particular, the fact that the built-in Serialization provided with .NET is problematic to use as [...]
It seems like each post I do has something to do with XML Serialization lately. And for good reason. The Binary Serialization currently used by BASeBlock [...]
Console applications are fairly common for handling simple, routine tasks; sometimes the task is straightforward and otherwise runs on it’s own with [...]
While the title is partially tongue-in-cheek, in that Printing Receipts would generally not be a particularly exciting topic, it still offers it’s [...]
After I loved on to .NET and C#, I was happy to leave the sinking ship that was VB6. As I learned C#, I became more and more aware of just how shoddy and [...]
introspection into Types, Methods, and Parameters is a very useful feature for the creation of highly dynamic programs. One use for this ability is to [...]
Handling and dealing with Errors can be tricky. When your program crashes you want to fix it as soon as possible. One of the most valuable pieces of [...]
Following my experience fiddling with this as documented Here I found the result had numerous issues. Even when running it on a separate thread there was [...]