
Be Prepared!

December 13, 2012 - Programming

EDIT: Oct 18th 2014: I actually have no idea what I am talking about in this post. It’s obviously not talking about the interview I had for the Job I have now, since that was in the Summer and this was published in December 6 months before that. I was tempted to make this hidden/private but I’ll leave it here anyway.

I bet you think this is something about the whole Dec 21st nonsense. Well it’s not, I just put a title that would SEO easily with a popular trending topic, also, I couldn’t think of much else for a title.

Now then! On to the post. Today, I attended a job interview, and it got me thinking about preparation. Now, to be honest, I think it went rather well, but for all I know the moment I left they all burst out laughing at the very prospect. I guess I’m paranoid, but in a sense, I actually could see that and not be mad.

Have you ever noticed how you never think of good questions or things to say at the right time, and it’s not until an hour later you do? In this case I couldn’t think of any questions to ask them, which bugged me because it seemed rather complacent. Even so, one of my bigger questions was answered, and that was “Can I see myself collaborating and working with these people” And I have to say my answer was yes. They were, in a word, awesome. in two words, quite awesome. I rather liked the “loose” feeling I got about how things were dealt with; that is, I don’t think they have any strict corporate procedures. That isn’t to say I think they are a free-for-all, of course. It actually leads into the question I remembered to ask an hour later, which was more about what Source code control they have in place, if any, and if not, whether they had any plans to implement one and if so which ones they were leaning towards. You never think of the good questions until too late.

When I first got the response, I thought it was an older application that I had applied to some time ago. Unfortunately I did mention something to that accord which no doubt made me look pretty stupid, but hey I was confused! I will definitely be doing some research into what the company does more thoroughly beyond what I’ve already done. I don’t know if anybody from there will read this, and they might, but if they do, I hope you find the person you are looking for whether it’s me or somebody else :).

To mix things up with some serious business, I also discovered this morning that BCJobClock’s admin applet acts rather funny on Windows 8. Funny being defined as missing the tab control entirely. Thankfully, the one person I know is using it is running it on Windows XP, so hopefully this isn’t a important issue. On a related note I was thinking about how I could expand the program. I haven’t really worked on BCJobClock extensively, since I am not really “into” it as a product and since I’m not actually being contracted to work on it, and it works as is I’m reluctant to bury myself in it’s innards again. Nonetheless though I have considered a few possible additions to the program, even to the point of actually implementing some minor changes (despite what I just said about not changing it…).


As the application stands now it is primarily for Time Management; that is, it tracks employees working on various tasks. It’s primary purpose was for use in an Automotive repair environment, and for assigning workers to work on various tasks, record how long it took them to complete, etcetera. An addition I was considering was some sort of Inventory Management. I haven’t thought of how this would be integrated, but the idea is that since many repairs involve replacing parts, and Automotive shops typically don’t have infinite supplies, it might make sense to integrate some sort of inventory management in there, so the shop manager, owner, or supervisor knows what a repair is going to take. This would also factor into the already present cost calculations involving labour.

Naturally, this function would fit just as well in the PC Repair shop context that I had also considered; spare video cards, sound cards, etcetera.

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