
A dynamic New Year’s Post

January 1, 2012 - .NET, C#, General Computing, Programming, Windows

HAHA! How’s that for a clever title?

Oh… well… ahem… nevermind.

As a avid user of my own INIFile class, which I first write about- at least it’s C# implementation- in my parsing INI files posting, I am always looking for ways to improve it’s usage make it more “accessible”.

Recently, I have been tasked (by way of my new title of “freelance consultant”) with creating several LOB (Line of Business) Type applications. Applications, naturally, have a tendency to lend their implementations to the creation and reading of settings. Being something of a fan of the simplicity of INI Files, I chose to use my INIFile class in the application. It works well, however, I have noticed that I have a lot of duplicate code. More specifically, I typically have to implement a “wrapper” class, which manages configuration information and reads/writes values to and from the INIFile as its own properties are accessed. For example:

Nothing too dreadful, but imagine having nearly the exact same thing repeated a number of times! The code is repeated and as Larry Wall says, one of the traits of a good programmer is sloth. I don’t like having to write this same code over and over again! The INIFile is supposed to make it easy!

The trouble here stems from the fact that the INIFile values are only strings; and typically, many settings are represented in the application itself as integers and booleans, dates, and so forth. My first attempt to mitigate the clutter was a static method, which I called xParse:

relatively straightforward- basically it’s a shell of what I had repeated over and over again. This mitigated the issue somewhat, so my properties in the wrapper looked like this:

much more managable, but still, could we not make this more concise? My first thought, was that perhaps I could eliminate the necessity of having the wrapper at all; I recalled two interfaces from my old COM programming days, specifically, IDispatch and IDispatchEx. Surely, I could do something similar?

Unfortunately, the interfaces are for COM, and C# doesn’t have dynamics until Version 4.

So, I fired up Visual Studio 2010 express to see if I couldn’t add the dynamic language constructs to the INIFile class; additionally, since I still need to work with .NET 3.5, I’ll add the new code as a conditional compilation.

The first step was deciding exactly what I wanted to happen. Imagine code like this:

The holy grail of the INIFile simplicity! Naturally, the .NET framework does provide the facility with which to add this functionality, as part of the System.Dynamic namespace.

The first step was deciding on the method by which to conditional compile. Since projects copy the source of a file to your project folder when you add them, it seemed reasonable to simply add it as a #define right inside the INIFile class itself.

And now, I just need to enclose all my new happy stuff in a conditional directive, and I’ll get the best of both worlds- C# 4.0 consumers who keep the #define will be able to use the suave new feature, and older consumers will still be able to work without ripping apart the classes. The code to add this was surprisingly simple; as it stands now the longest method (An implementation of TryDeleteMember, which is never called from C#/VB.NET consumers, so is excessive for my usage). First, obviously we enclose the import statement in the conditional compile; the class headers are conditionally compiled as well, only deriving from DynamicObject with CS4 set.

The core of the new functionality is in the overrides to the Dynamic Object’s TryGetMember.

For the INISection:

And for the INIFile…

Exactly the same, in fact. This works because of the indexer I added; the indexer will add the item if it doesn’t exist and return the new value, so even if the member name doesn’t exist, the INIFile will simply have that section added.

That’s for the retrieval of erements; to allow the assignment to them in the same fashion, we need to override TrySetMember(). In my case, this was a bit more involved, for flexibility purposes.

For example, code like INIFile.MainSection=”hello” should work, and change the name of the section. And why allow things like assignments from a Dictionary<String, String>, or maybe even a list (assigning a numbered id to set values)? And of course allow setting the Value directly, which will likely use the indexer much as I did for the TryGet… Implementations.

setting the Value should be equally flexible; since we can, why not?
for example, why not make the following “legal”?

The first example sets the Value to a string, the second sets it to a DateTime that is silently casted to a String (using toString(), and the last two use the new C# 4.0 tuples, to set both the name of the value and the value simultaneously.

A more elegant solution would be to add this code to the Indexer, and merely call the indexer with the name and the value and return true if no exception occurs and false otherwise. However, I’m reluctant to go that route since some of the types are C# 4 types (Tuples).

So Now, I’ve got an INI File implementation that supports Dynamic invocation. Well, that’s great… except that the application I first found it clumsy in is using .NET 3.5, so I can’t use the dynamic features. Back at square one.

In C# 2008/3, we might not be able to leverage the power of dynamics, but we do have generics and Extension methods at our disposal. a feasible alternative could be to add a extension method to the INIDataItem class that has a generic type parameter that it will attempt to convert it’s string Value into. First, using ChangeType, second, it can try to invoke a static TryParse on the given Type to parse the “value” string. And if none of that works, it can return a passed in default. This is still more verbose than the dynamic solution, but it has two distinct advantages- first, it’s type-safe, so you get all the intellisense goodness, and second, it’s still shorter than the alternative.

Here is the code, which can be found in the cINIFile.cs file attached to this posting as well.

And there you have it, a bunch of awesome additions. INI files are often thought of as deprecated, but that’s only the INIFile functions. This class was designed because working with the registry makes it difficult to test properly, and because JSON,YAML, and many other formats are excessively complicated. when you just need a few basic settings, all you need is the clean, simple format of a INI file. And now, with these additions, code for reading from those INI files is clean and simple as well!

The Source- cINIFile.cs

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