
Monthly Archives: December 2013

Uploading and Downloading Data from Postgres: Revisited
Following my experience fiddling with this as documented Here I found the result had numerous issues. Even when running it on a separate thread there was [...]
“The Type or Namespace could not be found” in plain sight.
The other day I encountered a very curious problem. My task was simple; I was simply creating a new Project, then adding references to our Libraries such [...]
Uploading and Downloading Data to PostGres with C#
Oftentimes dealing with Database logic is like pulling teeth. Other times, it’s like being knocked unconscious by having a fruit bat thrown at your [...]
“Companies are giving our information to the NSA”
On this NSA thing So this whole thing with the “leaks” and the NSA is becoming pretty ‘common knowledge’. To be honest though [...]
An Open Source Vent
Making Programs, Classes, and Source code available for free is a very helpful service to those who would wish to consume that content. One has to select [...]