
Monthly Archives: December 2012

BCQuery and Windows Forms
Recently I posted about a new project I had come up with. The idea was to simplify basic animations within a Windows Forms Project. Since then I had some [...]
Random Thoughts
In a first, I will actually post something not programming related, but not one of my innumerable nonsense stories, either. Today, I will write about [...]
new Project: BCQuery
I was working on BASeBlock’s splash screen a bit, and thought it would be neat to have a little animation to expand and contract the list of loaded [...]
BASeBlock architecture
I’ve written about BASeBlock before. Now, the main reason is I kind of like typing the name BASeBlock. it let’s me put extra capitals in [...]
You’re never as awesome as you think you are
Many developers and programmers may describe their experience with a language or technology as them having “mastered” it. But is this really [...]
.NET Serialization
Normally, when I have a class I want to allow to serialize, I take full control over that serialization by setting the Serializable attribute as well as [...]
Null Coalescing Operator
Another quick post about a C# language feature. The Null coalescing operator. /p> The Idea of null is a simple one that is still argued as being either the [...]
Be Prepared!
EDIT: Oct 18th 2014: I actually have no idea what I am talking about in this post. It’s obviously not talking about the interview I had for the Job I [...]
Developer Interview Questions
One of the trickiest parts I imagine with hiring a new developer is figuring it out several things about them. One thing you need to figure out is wether [...]
Assembly Language
Time and time again this topic is brought up. The basic concept that is usually dredged up is that programming in Assembly results in programs that are [...]