
Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Random Files: facial hair
So I recently got thinking about why the heck we men get facial hair. I mean, what purpose does it serve? if I let my beard and moustache grow, it would [...]
BASeBlock and Polygon Blocks
That’s right. The latest version of BASeBlock now adds a working Polygon block. There was a lot of reengineering to be done, but it works [...]
Win7 and the case of the broken games
A frequent- and aggravating- problem that I’ve had with games on my Windows machine is that many of them simply would not start. Inspecting Task [...]
ComputerHope Wallpaper
I made a new wallpaper. This one is simpler than some of my others, but I think that suits it well. The tricky part was the logo. All I could find were the [...]
VS2010, XNA, and BCDodgerX potpourri
Call me old fashioned, or possibly slow, but for some reason I never seem to be using the latest version of a piece of software. Until recently I was doing [...]
When Administrator is just not enough
First, a warning: WARNING:Running programs under the LocalSystem account is dangerous! Only run programs that are built into the OS, and programs you [...]
Language Wars
It is a frequent point of debate in many web communities that contain programmers- or back-seat programmers, as it were, to argue that such and such [...]
Wherein I dip into XNA
I haven’t dealt with XNA heavily as a game platform. My language of choice is C#, but I just never really liked XNA. At any rate, I decided to give [...]
BASeBlock 2.4.0 Dev notes
The currently released version of BASeBlock is 2.3.0. I have made a lot of changes to the game, added a few blocks, abilities, and other fun stuff, and [...]