
Monthly Archives: November 2010

a rant about “download managers”
So I was bored and decided to update my Flash plugin, a chore that I recollect stopping in it’s tracks previously, for reasons I couldn’t [...]
Old Games and Fridge Logic
When it comes to Older games; and even just games in particular, The developers obviously have to make some compromises; a game is never 100% realistic, [...]
Microsoft and why the mob-thinking is wrong.
Microsoft. It’s unheard of to find a person who hasn’t at least used a Microsoft product; it’s even less likely to find somebody who [...]
Mono nonsense
Alright, so, I had finally gotten sound to work. it was wonderful. Sure, things ran a bit slow. And then poof, out of nowhere- Quite literally, I made NO [...]
Porting BASeBlock To Linux, and thoughts on Mono
No, Not the kissing disease, Infectious mononucleosis, the open-source .NET CLR interpreter and class library. .NET; I might have ranted about this before, [...]
Anagram Search program
And now, for something  completely different- a post that actually is about programming. A short overview of anagrams and a breakdown of a common algorithm [...]
Thoughts on Advertising
Advertisements. We see them everywhere. Generally, Advertisements are produced by “sponsors”; for example, watch a sports broadcast and you [...]