Michael Burgwin on LinkedIn

 Social Networking is like a niche in an open field.


Have some extra cash you want to throw my way? Find my applications/programs useful or entertaining? Feel free. Of course, there is no obligation on your part whatsoever; I offer most of the programs on my site for free for the benefit of everyone who may find them useful. There are of course exceptions; I'm still not quite sure how to "release" BASeBlock; the current version online is more or less shareware, but until I can conjure up quite a bit of money to pay for the license to use BASS.NET I can't actually- at least, not completely above bar- sell it, which is extremely aggravating. And since I don't know if I'll even sell it at all I don't really want to take that step until I have that much money that I could literally "throw away". It's tricky. I might make registration free.... I don't know.

Source code

Some may notice that several of the free applications I provide on the download page do not include their source code; this is not really an oversight, just that I am too lazy to figure out all the various source-code dependencies; figuring out the run-time requirements was a hair-pulling experience on it's own. Additionally, some projects are extremely finicky; specifically, BCSearch. That in fact is one of the reasons I haven't fixed a few if it's bugs. (You can only do one search because the button enable states aren't properly managed; also it seems to like th hang around in the background when you quit for whatever reason, too. Anyway, some of my applications will include source code- some won't. It depends on whether that source might be "interesting" or not. I've unanimously pushed several projects from their happy place on my hard drive to my github account. BASeBlock available there is a bit newer than the one I have for download, but I don't believe I provide the appropriate resources (images) for some of the features. I've taken to start pushing all sorts of my old applications to github. I have a LOT of classes and utility programs that I ought to touch up and release proper on the downloads page, too.

How much should I donate and what will you use it for?

Absolutely any amount, for 5 cents, to 5 dollars or more, is appreciated. As for usage, I can make no guarantees, however, for the most part I don't transfer funds from my paypal account to my standard bank account so it's fair to say that the large majority will in fact go into supporting the web site; but it's important to know that such funds may and likely will be used for any number of otherwise unrelated purchases done through paypal which may have nothing to do with the site at all; so if you want to donate "with strings attached" (that is, an outline of what I am "allowed" to do with it) you should let me know via E-mail. I will do my best to use donated funds as the donor requests.

Can I write off donations to you/your site on my tax return?

Generally speaking, No; usually, in order to be able to write-off a donation as a "charitable contribution" on your tax return, the entity to whom you donate needs to be a registered charity on your country. For example, if you are a U.S resident, you cannot write-off donations to me or the site as charitable because I am not a registered charity (501(c)3) organization. In Canada, there is a "Donation Tax Credit" when you contribute to a registered charity; however, I am not a registered charity. For other countries, you may want to view your government's web page and inquire about tax information related to things of this nature.

Remember: you don't have to donate

There is a somewhat popular feeling that providing a "donate" button or donate links on ones web page is the internet equivalent of begging; I suppose, in some ways, it is. Some go so far as to say that it is a "hint" that if you like a free application/product, you should "pay" for it. This is not the case.

I provide a Donate button and information purely to make it easier for those who choose to do so; if you prefer, you can donate in other ways as well- E-mailing me and provide suggestions, constructive criticisms, and comments (both positive and negative) can be just as much of a donation, if only to let me know that somebody somewhere has used or finds my programs useful or games fun.